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The printer room is temporarily closed while we install new 3D printers. We apologize for the inconvenience :(
Image of Embroidery machine

Embroidery machine

Embroidery machine Designer Jade 35 from Husqvarna Viking.

This machine can be used to embroider designs using vp3 files or short messages with .vf3 font-files. The machine has a number of built-in designs and a few font-files loaded from before ready for use.

If you wish to make your own .vp3 file this can be done with the extention Ink/Stitch in Inkscape. You will first need a file in .svg format, this can then be saved as a .vp3 file.

If you wave any questions, these can be sent to, we can supply training and instructions for the machine if this is desired. If you wish to do the research or troubleshoot on your own, the website SewingMastery have good tutorials.


P.S.: The machine is locked in storage. Contact to use it.